Agent Communicator

148 (likes)
16264 (views)
This product is available only if you have an account in My Mini Factory service

A representation of the I.S.A.C agent communicator from The Division. A couple of the details on the antenna are different to make printing easier, and the design of it was a pulled combination of the game object and concept art. It is hollow so you can have plenty of space to throw in leds or even a small radio if you want to maybe scale it up. There are also two loops to help in securing this to a backpack strap.  My settings on an ultimaker2  .4mm nozzel with .8mm walls, 20percent infill, minor support simply to help keep the circles rounder. Best printing orientation as shown in the pre painted picture.

About the author:
Got an Ultimaker2 and now I'm going to print everything!


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