250mah Lipo 6 Battery Holder

2 (likes)
3655 (views)
This product is available only if you have an account in My Mini Factory service

I got bored and made this handy 250mah lipo battery holder, I lose my lipos a lot so having two of these really helped me keep my batteries well charged and organized. Dimensions on the inside are as follows: 33mm x 22mm x 23mm (LxWxD)Capable of holding 6 Venom 250mah 1S Lipo batteries Get a blank sticker and label "FULL" or "LOW" sides Takes about two hours to print. ENJOY !! Follow on Instagram @3dprint_rckc for designs every week !

About the author:
Dwarf Star Drones
3dprint_rcrt is now Dwarf Star Drones, producing rad fun drone designs and other cool gadgets ! Need a frame ? Check out our store for great quality printed designs. Follow us on Instagram and Youtube for monthly giveaways and new designs @dwarfstardrones


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