Unicorn MoneyBox Scaled up 400% for Large Format Printers.

46 (likes)
7327 (views)
This product is available only if you have an account in My Mini Factory service

After the Success of both the Unicorn and the Pegasus I had a Lot of Requests for Larger Prints The Biggest so Far coming from Chris (@ChimpusMaximus) at a Whopping 350% Then I was asked by Sean (@Seananigans) to Remic the Unicorn into a Money Box for his Son. How could I say No to a request from a Fellow Maker and a Chance to put a Smile on a Childs Face. So I present to you the Unicorn Money Box. Thank you all for your Amazing support and I will try to do my best to release more files soon. Ryan (3D Printed Aspie)

About the author:
3D Printed Aspie
Welcome, Welcome come on in and enjoy my little slice of My Mini Factory. My Name is Ryan and I am the 3D Printed Aspie. You can find me on Twitter @3DPrintedAspie and I have a Channel on YouTube.


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