
7 (likes)
3234 (views)
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Coasters? Wall decorations? Math swag? Ninja stars? You decide. These models were made from Spirograph drawings using the new Shape Maker tool in the MakerBot PrintShop iPad app. Step 1: Draw geeky math shapes with a Spirograph. Step 2: From the PrintShop Shape Maker app on your iPad, take a picture of your drawing. Step 3: Export and 3D print! I resized all of the demo models to have 2mm height. But don't just print the demo models; go make your own!   ===== Twitter:  twitter.com/mathgrrl Hacktastic blog:  mathgrrl.com/hacktastic Shapeways geekhaus store:  shapeways.com/shops/mathgrrl Spiro-Shapes by mathgrrl is licensed under the Creative Commons - Attribution - Non-Commercial license.

About the author:
math geek and defender of the universe. hacktastic designer and maker.


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