Small Watering Can

253 (likes)
11538 (views)
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  Please print in vase mode! I needed a small watering can for the office, so I designed one after my fancy. I decided to make it a vase, because I just love those seamless surfaces and I had an idea how to incorporate a rigid grip (that worked very well). With an extrusion width of about 0.5 mm (0.4 mm nozzle), the walls overlap in one spot to stabilize the handle, adding a lot to the overall rigidity of the print. It holds up to about 150 ml, which should be plenty for my good old Zamioculcas, Bonsai, cacti or other succulents. Of course you can use it as a coffee milk jug as well, just please take care to print with a food safe material then. I'd love to see your Make! :)



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