Sign Posts

50 (likes)
5986 (views)
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'Sign Posts' can be used in all sorts of fun and practical ways.... Fun messages Not so subtle hints... Instructions Messages Directions (for house guests etc.) Table place cards (for events) Whatever else you can imagine! Easy to print, easy to assemble and custom configurable. Apart from 3D printing the necessary parts all you need to do is make up your signs to insert. These look great printed on a laser / inkjet printer but can also be hand written. Making up you signs is easy as well (refer to the images for sizes). Print out your signs, as shown in the template image, cut out, fold in half then insert into your sign holder... easy as that. Your own unique custom signs on demand! The parts included are: Base - to keep your sign post standing Posts - three lengths are provided (50 / 75 / 100mm)... use shorter if you plan to have lots of signs on top. Signs - to insert your signs (printed on paper or card) into. Three lengths are provided (40 / 50 / 60mm) Spacer - use if you want to add space in between signs. Helps if you want multiple signs pointing in the same direction. Cap - seals off the top of your Sign Post for a finished look. Please refer to the images and instructions provided for additional information (particularly around support removal). And, because there are "endless" possibilities for these signs... post images showing them in use. Have fun with them... Note: If you like this check out the rest of my fun and practical designs.

About the author:
Designer of all sorts of fun and practical things!


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