Pet dish for 18" doll pets

31 (likes)
3007 (views)
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A Doll's Pet Needs Care Too! A friend of my daughter was coming over for a play date with her American Girl doll and her pet cat. A quick look and I didn't see anything quite to my satisfaction so I thought I would whip up one of my own! Not just for American Girl dolls Of course, there is nothing special about this dish when it comes to size - if you have a pet for an 18" doll, a small stuffed animal, or you want to play with the scale, you could make this for any of your stuffed animal pets! BUT NOT FOR REAL PETS A caution that this should not be used to hold actual food or water for a living pet. In general, you should never use any 3D printed items from a home printer to contain food or liquids for any living being. There are too many "what if" questions involved. Better to just buy a nice metal set for your pet that you care about! That said, if you print this for your kid's stuffed animal (or a stuffed animal of yours!), please post your make - I'd love to see what you have done! Enjoy what I do? Want to support me? Please leave a tip if you are so inclined. If you want to support me and get GREAT filament at the same time, please visit Proto-Pasta using my affiliate link and get yourself some excellent HTPLA! Cheers, and God Bless! Dan the 3D Printing Dad

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