[Open Source] Robot Vacuum Cleaner

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A video about the Robot Vacuum Cleaner: https://youtu.be/wNZFIaR6GGA   Story about MARK I: A while ago we made a Robot Vacuum Cleaner for a school project. I made the design and my classmate did the programming. I made a post about it on Reddit and on a different forum. People really seemed to like our project (others even wrote articles about it), but we didn’t share the files, because the design had some obvious flaws. One of these flaws was that it was just way too big, so we had to use a 3D pen to weld all the pieces together, which wasn’t that great.   MARK II: From the things I’d learned I started designing MARK II. A great source of Inspiration was CesNieto’s robot vacuum which he’d posted on instructables. I also took a look at Jansens’ “Reliable chest lock” when I designed the locking meninism for the top. I used a lot of parts from MARK I, but also some new ones, like the motors. These new motors really helped to make the design smaller. The Final Design is only 196mm x 196mm, which is a lot smaller if you consider that MARK I was 304mm x 306mm. However, not only the size changed. MARK II now also uses Hepa Filters, blows air out the top (so it doesn’t blow away dust that’s behind it) and has an easier to remove top. The smaller size and better motors also allow MARK II to make turns way easier, so it can move around more easily. MARK II still uses the same APP and program as MARK I, but it now all runs on a smaller Arduino Nano.   Features inside that app: *A debug terminal, where you can test the hardware. *You can set different timings, so the robot vacuum can start and stop on a specific time. *You can configure different settings, like how long the robot needs to be stuck before it responds. You can also trim the motors. *You can “Start” and stop when you want.   Debug terminal commands: r          Run p         Pause dmf     Move forward dmb     Move backwards dmr     Move right dml      Move left dms     Stop moving df1      Turn fan on df0      Turn fan off dcs1    Check sensor 1 dcs2    Check sensor 2 dcs3    Check sensor 3   This is the .step design file you can use to edit the design. Here you can find the App and the code for the Arduino Nano. These are all the parts your need. Here you can find all the connections I used on the Arduino Nano.   Bonus: I managed to sideload the app on my watch and it’s actually quite usable on there.  



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