
8 (likes)
2813 (views)
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Nichoir à oiseau à assembler. Deux versions proposées: avec ou sans texte décoratif. Dites moi si vous souhaitez que j'améliore quelque chose. Birdhouse to assemble. Two versions proposed: with or without decorativ text. Let me know if you want improvements.

About the author:
Hello everyone, I’m excited to share a series of 3 videos on my YouTube channel, where I demonstrate my method for creating a low relief mapped object using AI via ComfyUI and 3D software like 3DCoat. Part 1: Presenting the final object and explaining its potential uses for machining, printing, or as a 3D object in animation or rendering software. Part 2: Showing how I design the two images using ComfyUI that will later be used with 3DCoat. Part 3 : Using pictures in 3DCoat to create low mapped relief. Check out the first two videos available now, and stay tuned for the final part! My 3D Modeling Playlis:


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