Flower Vase

35 (likes)
4990 (views)
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While there is no shortage of vase designs for 3D printing out there we thought we wanted to make a small contribution to the vase collections of the world. Big is beautiful! As we love printing PET in thicker layers this is printed with a 1.0mm nozzle and with an increased extrusion multiplier we managed to get a layer height of 1.0mm. It´s important to note that when printing at these layer heights there is a large amount of plastic to melt and push thru the nozzle so the printing speed must be kept to a minimum. The vase in the the pictures is printed with T-Glase at 5.0mm/s By Creative Tools Home - Things - GooglePlus - Twitter - Facebook - Youtube - Instructables - Instagram - Pinterest - Flickr - Vimeo - LinkedIn

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Creative Tools supplies products, training, service and support in all things 3D - such as 3D modelling, CAD, animation, rendering, 3D scanners and 3D printers. We always release our 3D models free of charge for anyone to download and use. Please let us know if you have comments on current files or want to suggest future project ideas. Your feedback is highly appreciated! If you enjoy our projects you can support us by following CreativeTools and sharing the files with other 3D printing enthusiasts. If you need 3D tools and supplies, we would be honoured to serve you as a customer at CreativeTools.se.


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