Egg Cuber

26 (likes)
2713 (views)
This product is available only if you have an account in My Mini Factory service

When i was a child i did love playing (and reading) "YPS mit Gimmick". One of the things i still remember, is the Gimmick "Die Maschine die eckige Eier macht", as it was one of the things that did work great and impressed me. First i did try to create the machine as a straight 1:1 copy, but this did not work very well. So i did a complete new design just using the same mechanics. I uploaded one chassis with added text "EggCuber" and one without.If you like you can add some mirrored text to the ground plate to have it on the egg afterward :-) Only hard boiled egg should be used. Let them cool down a little bit to not deform the PLA, because of the heat, and then put it in the fridge for around 1 hour. Enjoy your cubic egg :-) Print SettingsPrinter brand:Ultimaker Printer:Ultimaker 2 Rafts:No Supports:Yes Resolution:0.16 Infill:18% Filamentbrand:FilaFarm Filamentcolor:Yellow Filament_material:PLA Notes:I recommend to use support that the small gaps are correctly printed, else you need to file it a bit.



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