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The daruma is more than an amulet, it is a representation of that goal that we have imposed and a reminder, a motivation, so that our forces do not fail us during the process. Normally the Japanese give daruma dolls to offer the opportunity to someone to achieve a purpose, for example on his birthday, New Year or a new project, but naturally we can also give it away at any time we want, because always We have goals and purposes that we would like to make. When we have decided our purpose, we must paint one of his eyes and work hard to achieve it. And when we get our purpose, we should paint the other eye as a sign of gratitude. Legend has it that monk Bodhidharma (founder of Zen Buddhism) did not attain enlightenment until 9 years after meditating alone in a cave. And after so long without moving, not only did his arms and legs fall from atrophy, but the monk himself tore off his eyelids to concentrate better and avoid falling asleep. Having these legends in mind, it is easy to understand why daruma has that shape, but it is also interesting to emphasize that all the design of the doll, its shape, its color, its white eye cavities and its beautiful face, has a special symbolism. Another feature of daruma dolls is facial hair. The eyebrows are shaped like a crane while the hair on the cheeks resembles a turtle shell. Both animals are symbols of longevity in Japan, so the facial beauty symbolizes longevity when it comes to achieving our goal.



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