Simple Sloth (Totemic)

57 (likes)
8154 (views)
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A simple sloth made of basic shapes in a kind of totemic style. It is desined to be able to hang from long, thin objects (like a the pen in the picture). It is 81mm x 38mm x 59mm. It printed in about 2 hours at .2mm resolution and 15% infill. It needs to have supports. I used the basic Prusa 3D Slic3r, and it worked great.  So, I originally tried printing the sloth the other way, so that its feet were on the print bed. That--didn't work out so great. It was ok. The supports were a pain to get out, the feet ended up being narrower than I had hoped, almost too narrow for the pen, and it messed with the face a little in a sad way. :( So, I modified it slightly, made a small flat area on its back, and printed it with its back on the print bed. That worked really well. The supports came out way more easily. There was slightly more play in the feet, so it could hold things less narrowly. The only downside is that there is a small flat surface on its back. I took a picture of it. The good news is that it actually isn't super noticeable. It looks fairly natural, and it can't even be seen from most angles. Plus it allows the sloth to lay on its back without falling over to the side, so that's a nice bonus. All together, I fully recommend printing the figure on its back. You can try out whatever you would like, of course. That is just what worked best for me.  This object was made in Tinkercad.



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