Super Gear Spinner

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2920 (odsłony)
Ten produkt jest dostępny tylko jeśli posiadasz konto w serwisie My Mini Factory

Ten obiekt został wykonany w programie Tinkercad.

O autorze:
Hi my name is Tommy, I've always loved 3D modeling for some reason, probably cuz of my interest in mechanics, art and video games. But whatever the reason, I've always been fascinated with it, I actually took 3D modeling for games at the Art Center in Pasadena. Unfortunately that was some time ago, but I never lost my passion for it. Since then, I haven't had the opportunity to continue pursuing any type of 3D design. That is, until just recently, when I found out about tinkercad and the myminifactory competition. I'm so excited to able to continue making 3D designs. I may not be able to enjoy it as much as i'dI like to yet, because I'm currently pursuing my engineering degree, but it's nice to just have the opportunity.


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