CoinTop: Dollar roughcut

5 (likes)
4367 (views)
This product is available only if you have an account in My Mini Factory service

This is my first coin top, the dollar rough cut.  Its a simple little top that uses four $0.25USD coins (quarters) as its mass, thou some other coins may also work with a bit of scalling of the object. It is also support free, but you may need a brim if you have poor bed adhesion. Each good spin lasts about 2min. spin it on a concave mirror for best results. My print settings: using .4mm nozzel on an ultimaker2 layer height: 0.1mm, thou the finner the smoother it will be. shell thickness: 0.8mm infill: 25%

About the author:
Got an Ultimaker2 and now I'm going to print everything!


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