Animated Fidget Spinner

51 (likes)
9966 (views)
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It's already spinning, why not add an animation? Now you can be distracted by a cat video while you get out that nervous energy. It's a simple design: two wheels, two bearings, two caps for your thumb and forefinger, and a drum with slits in it press-fit together. Check out the Instructable for animation strips and other details on how to make your own. Go to my Storenvy to order one for $45. Featured on Maker Update

About the author:
I am a full-time Designer at the Instructables Design Studio (best job ever). My background is in residential architecture, film set design, film animatronics, media arts, exhibit design, and electronics. I use digital design and fabrication to create furniture, toys, and whatever else comes to mind. All of my projects are described in detail on Instructables, follow the URL to make them yourself!


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