Pokeball Aimer - Samsung Note 5 - Pokemon Go

23 (likes)
6472 (views)
This product is available only if you have an account in My Mini Factory service

Can’t quite get that perfect throw? Frustrated when countless pokeballs randomly fly sideways? Worry no longer! This 3D printable Pokeball aimer ensures your finger never goes astray. Simply slip your phone into the case, give it a flick, and you’ll be catching Pokemon with ease. Still not convinced? Just listen to these rave reviews:“yes! it actually works.” - Myself“I just don’t suck.” Erin McMeanface. This is for the Samsung Note 5. Check my profile for more Pokeball Aimers to fit your phone. If you don't have a 3D printer, I can make you a Pokeball Aimer though my etsy etsy.com/au/listing/470242513/samsung-edition-pokemon-go-pokeball?ref=listing-shop-header-1  

About the author:
Industrial Designer from Australia. InIteration describes the rapid prototyping and design workflow that can be achieved with 3D printing. In a short period of time, a project can be develop from ideation and design, straight into fabrication, and then reviewed and improved again, and again until the product is perfect!


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