Osmo Words

28 (likes)
8883 (views)
This product is available only if you have an account in My Mini Factory service

OSMO is a fun education set of apps for iPad that help blur the lines between physical and digical world, designed for children 5-12 yo (https://www.playosmo.com/) One of the games is called Words: complete words based on clues given on the iPad But if you lost any of the letters, you can't play anymore. Except if you download and print this file, ready for you to glue the letters in the attached PDF. It prints just fine at low resolution with any PLA, either letter would take 5' and 1g (say around £0.02) Bonus: there's a little square box to put all your letters and never loose them again ;-) NB: you shouldn't use this to avoid buying the game in the first place, knowing that the iPad apps are free to download from the Appstore, but only if you own the game and need a replacement - just saying.

About the author:
Founder and Chairman of My Mini Factory


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