BallBot Sting Ray

25 (likes)
4780 (views)
This product is available only if you have an account in My Mini Factory service

The BallBot Sting Ray is their response to the increasing effectiveness of Terran Air and Naval forces against their invasion. It can move beneath the waves, directly engaging ships and submarines with its 8 heavy plasma cannons, before bursting into the sky to inflict heavy casualties on Terran air forces. Includes a version with a looser fitting ball socket incase your printer prints them too tightly. Surface details are designed to be printed using a .2mm nozzle, but will come out fine with a .4mm nozzle as well.

About the author:
I'm president and CEO of a company in Columbus, OH called Mid-Ohio Area Robotics. We create educational electronics, robotics, and devkits for the greater central Ohio STEM community. Check us out at and follow us on Facebook and Twitter!


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