Dovetail Joinery Box

45 (likes)
5928 (views)
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When my kids were young, I gave them what I thought were cool presents, yet they played with the box. Well, when my wife saw my last project, the "Do Nothing Box", she liked the box, only wanted it a little smaller. So, I made the Dovetail Joinery Box. As a long time woodworker, I couldn't just build any box, so I added dovetail joinery to the sides. Much easier than the wooden version to create, this box was designed using Sketchup 8 (the free version), and printed in PLA using Makerware and a Replicator 2. I've made two of these with different color combinations. I would like to see the color combinations you chose! As a final note, I've uploaded all ".skp" files used to build this project. Feel free to modify any component, as did I with my wife's name on "Front.stl". We both would enjoy seeing your results.

About the author:
Not a single one of DaVinci's statues began without supports...


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