liquid spill shaped hook

34 (likes)
6609 (views)
This product is available only if you have an account in My Mini Factory service

Don’t you think it looks like a spilling liquid? It is functional you can use it as a hook. Please put it between the wall and the switch-plate outlet-cover for maximum visual enjoyment.

About the author:
The focus of WallTosh is to use 3D printers to create whimsical products. Seeing our ideas take shape is thrilling. We began making our unique creations in 2014 after procuring our first ever 3D printer with a strong background in design principles and a fun and exciting way to quickly generate our wares. We have been blessed with the ability to sell both our licenced designs for at-home use (for those who have their own 3D printers to experiment with), and high-quality self produced items, all around the world.


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