Robo Calligrapher

28 (likes)
4823 (views)
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We present a computational design system that allows novices and experts alike to easily create custom robotic devices. The core of our work consists of a design abstraction that models the way in which electromechanical components can be combined to form complex robotic systems. We use this abstraction to develop a visual design environment that enables an intuitive exploration of the space of robots that can be created using a given set of actuators, mounting brackets and 3d-printable components. Our computational system also provides support for design auto-completion operations, which further simplifies the task of creating robotic devices. Once robot designs are finished, they can be tested in physically simulated environments and iteratively improved until they meet the individual needs of their users. Work done at: Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University. List of parts: 1. Pen bracket (3d printed)2. body plate (3d printed)3. wheels(4) (3d printed)4. XM-430 dynamixel motors (4 for wheels, 5 for arm)5. metal brackets for the arms      

About the author:
I am a PhD student at the Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University working with Prof. Stelian Coros. My research interests lie in applying optimization techniques to solve complex design and engineering problems. For my current research, I build computational design tools for fabrication towards increasing accessibility of robotics. In the long term, I would like to build technologies that enhance the life and well-being of community at large. In past, I have had not-so-brief stints in the area of human motor control and biomechanical simulations. During my Masters, I worked with Prof. Hartmut Geyer on understanding human control of leg placement. I have also spent some time trying to understand human balance, and motor skill aquisition in people learning bongoboarding with Prof. Jessica K. Hodgins as an intern at Disney Research Pittsburgh. I get enthusiastic about pretty much any idea on education, DIY and environment conservation. I love traveling and hiking.


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