Grim Reaper Phone Stand

4 (likes)
2404 (views)
This product is available only if you have an account in My Mini Factory service

This was created to go into a show that I am entering in April for the Carmarthen Bay Film Festival. A very simple design, printed with a 20% infill with PLA and painted with acrylics.

About the author:
I always wanted to be a draftsman and have always had a passion for designing things. I started my life as a cabinet maker, so love making things, whether it’s out of paper, cardboard, wood or plastic. I am a keen crafter and amateur book binder. I love computers and consider myself very computer literate. I have taught IT, built my own PC’s, repaired PC’s and worked in IT for a short while. So it was only natural that considering my background I would move into 3D printing. I consider myself a novice, but am learning new techniques every day and love the fact that there seems to be a whole community just for 3D printing. What a wonderful place to learn and share my work with like minded people.


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