cell phone mount

4 (likes)
2513 (views)
This product is available only if you have an account in My Mini Factory service
About the author:
Although I do not have a 3D Printer. I like making Things with My 3D program ( sketchup) and now have TinkerCad,( I have a lot of time on my hands). being on this site it has show me I need to be using Sketchup right (Something I thought I new?) just goes to show you, 3Dprinting needs to be Done right to work. It is good that this site tries to print your model. Not having a 3Dprinter I get a charge from seeing it. other wise the changes would be made. So if it pass or fails, for now that will have to do. the technlogy in the last 2 years has taken off. Can't wait for the next two years. Hopefully I'll have a printer by then.


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