Text to Snowflake Generator

43 (likes)
6929 (views)
This product is available only if you have an account in My Mini Factory service

Enter some text, get your personal snowflake! You have 2 text fields the main one and the additional rotated 30 degrees relative to each other. The text you enter is mirrored vertically and rotated 6 times around its first letter. You can change the offset of the mirrored parts so that they are closer or further from each other. If you're looking for some good fonts visit http://fonts.google.com. The idea behind this is pretty simpe. I was looking for ways to generate a snowflake and stumbled upon this website: https://thebookofeveryone.com/specials/make-your-snowflake. It generates a snowflake from any text you enter but for me it was not customizeable enough. You can't get a hi-res picture of it either, so I decided to make a script that does pretty much the same thing.The script is pretty basic. It actually is my first time making something in OpenSCAD. You can use the script itself or use the Customizer on Thingiverse: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2702278. Examples from photos "Snow"flake Main text = "­­­    Snow" (no quotation marks)Main text size: 15Main text vertical offset: -3Main font: Great VibesMain text style: Normal Additional text :"       /\" (no quotation marks)Additional text size: 10Additional text vertical offset: -1Additional font: Great VibesAdditional text style: Normal Number of branches: 6Height: 1 "H"-flake Main text = "H" (no quotation marks)Main text size: 10Main text vertical offset: 0Main font: Great VibesMain text style: Normal Additional text : emptyAdditional text size: 10Additional text vertical offset: -1Additional font: Great VibesAdditional text style: Normal Number of branches: 6Height: 1



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