Christmas Stocking Container

65 (likes)
5660 (views)
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The Christmas Stocking Container is a screw cap container that looks like a Christmas Stocking. At standard scale the internal storage area is 35mm in diameter and 80mm tall... so plenty of space for small treats! This is an easy print but does require good build plate adhesion to ensure the stocking prints well. Print the cap in white and the stocking in red... This design can be scaled up but scaling down will result in insufficient thread clearance so the cap and stocking won't screw together correctly. Printed at standard scale on a well set up PLA machine with a filament fan, the parts should screw together easily straight off the build plate. Please refer to the instruction, print settings and images for additional information. Note: if you like this check out the rest of my fun and practical designs!

About the author:
Designer of all sorts of fun and practical things!


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