Realistic Jack O lantern

24 (likes)
2570 (views)
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This is a remix of the 3d scanned pumpkin by Eli Jared Fastow (Origonal) . I just hollowed it out with realistic interior texture, added a traditional Jack O lantern face, and made a removable cap (big enough for a battery powered tea light). The Model is heavy on the polygons so might take a long time to slice. It should be printed with supports on the build plate as well as the interior. I used an overhang angle of 55, 15% infill, and minimal support settings (0 support walls) to make it easyer to remove the supports from the small openings. The origonal intent was to make it as close to a life sized Jack O lantern that can print on a CR-10 build plate. I have not tryed to print it at the full build plate size yet. The estimated time was around 10 days and 2.5 kg of plastic.  I challange anyone who has the time and money to print it at 200% thats almost 11" in x and y and close to 12.5" in the z.



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