Candle Holder Numbers - Numbers 0 - 9 For Birthday Cake Decoration

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9584 (views)
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The range of 'Candle Holder Numbers' provides a great 'year appropriate' decorative centre piece for a Birthday Cake. Numbers 0 - 9 have been provided as .stl's so you can make any combination of years being celebrated. Unlike the number candles you can buy in a shop you can print these in your choice of colours to suit the cakes decoration.... and they are reusable. Just place regular Birthday Candles in the hole in the top of each number (Obviously you can place additional candles around the cake to reflect the year as well if you want). At standard scale each number is 10mm thick then has a border of another 2.5mm which can be printed in a second colour. Just pause your machine at around 87% when it starts creating the raised areas (Z-Pause at 12mm on a Replicator 2 with a 1.0mm Raft). The 'Candle Holder Numbers' have been designed to take standard 5mm diameter Birthday Candles so do not scale up or down as it will affect whether or not the candles fit or stand up well. However, if you have candles of a different diameter you can easily scale the numbers to suit. Each number is approx. 60mm tall at standard size and has a prong on the base to ensure it stands up securely when fully inserted into a cake. Note: If you like this check out my other designs!

About the author:
Designer of all sorts of fun and practical things!


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