"Drink me" Cup with braille

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A nice cup with the message "drink me" on it, both in latin alphabet and in braille. This design is the result of an experience we ran with 33 students from two high schools of Ioannina, Greece. Students were asked to collaboratively design creative artefacts, most of them carrying messages in braille alphabet. The objects are then shared with blind children in order to use 3D printing as a way to create a new medium of collaboration between blind and non-blind people. The experience so far has been very positive!   You can read more about this experience on its dedicated blog!

About the author:
This research project attempts to examine to what extent the technological capabilities of open source 3D printing could serve as a means of learning and communication. The learning theory of constructionism is used as a theoretical framework in creating an experimental educational scenario focused on 3D design and printing. In this paper, we document our experience and discuss our findings from a three-month project run in two high schools in Ioannina, Greece. 33 students were tasked to collaboratively design and produce, with the aid of an open source 3D printer and a 3D design platform, creative artifacts. Most of these artifacts carry messages in the Braille language. Our next goal, which defined this project’s context, is to send the products to blind children inaugurating a novel way of communication and collaboration amongst blind and non-blind students. Our experience, so far, is positive arguing that 3D printing and design can electrify various literacies and creative capacities of children in accordance with the spirit of the interconnected, information-based world. Respective publication: “Open source 3d printing as a means of learning: An educational experiment in two high schools in Greece”. Vasilis Kostakis, Vasilis Niaros and Christos Giotitsas. Available at: http://www.academia.edu/8447088/Open_source_3D_printing_as_a_means_of_learning_An_educational_experiment_in_two_high_schools_in_Greece


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