micro:bit Post Box

11 (likes)
4637 (views)
This product is available only if you have an account in My Mini Factory service

Leave a message for a loved one with this simple micro:bit post box casing. The AAA batteries fit nicely into the box and you can edit the code to adjust the message that scrolls across the LED screen when one or both of the buttons are pressed. Below is the link for a script that you can use as surprise for Mother's Day! Simply compile and flash to the micro:bit and your envelope will read a message when you press the A or B buttons and it will display a heart animation when you press A and B at the same time.  https://www.microbit.co.uk/app/#edit:819e8810-3931-4167-d11e-65f3ec4826e9:JspHpuF4O2bmcveE 

About the author:
Summer 2016 intern at MyMiniFactory and 4th year undergraduate at MIT studying Mechanical Engineering :)


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