Micro:bit Game Bit

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21817 (views)
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Game Bit Tutorial This is a small Game Boy with some simple games, remix of space invaders and snake. This tutorial will show you how to make your own Game Bit. You will learn how to use the LED screen of the micro:bit and link button and accelerometer to actions. Things you will need: • A 3D printer • 1 micro:bit device and battery pack • Filament (plastic) for your 3D printer, -Transparent Parts description:   Step 1: Printing the Parts Print everything’s without support, with transparent filament. Step 2: Assemble the Parts Step 3: Flash your micro:bit Flash your micro:bit with the .hex file attach in the zip file, sorry I don’t explain the code this time because it’s a little bit long to explain.. It’s not very hard you should understand how it works ;)Found it here Step 4: Game Description



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