simple geometry-based bauble

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3628 (views)
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Simpler christmas bauble. THIS time it's printable. Last time I had not followed every step in the Vectary tutorial, resulting in several non-manifold faces that made it unprintable without a LOT of manual editing.   Vectary has a plugin to send to Shapeways, which happens to have an option to check the geometry for printability before sending it on. Neat !   -----------------------   Join the “Xmas Decorations” design competition and take home a $3,600 M-Jewelry 3D printer from MakeX and more.   Learn more about our design contest> To customize this template, get inspired by our Xmas deco tutorial   To enter the competition: 1. Create a Xmas decoration with VECTARY. 2. Use the MyMiniFactory Exporter plugin to publish your 3D model on MyMiniFactory (to do so, click + Add plugin and from My Plugins, select MyMiniFactory Exporter). 3. Publish your project on VECTARY, too!   First time using VECTARY? Start with our step-by-step tutorial to learn the basics. Check more video tutorials in our Learn 3D user guide.  This model was created with VECTARY - the free, online 3D modeling tool Credits: model by VECTARY model by Peter Bock

About the author:
Full Stack developer by trade, I dapple in various things, though 3D design seems to be capturing more of my (very limited) attention span lately.


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