Simple Barn Owl (Totemic)

73 (likes)
5411 (views)
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A simple barn owl made of basic shapes in a kind of totem style. It is very small, 42mm x 45mm x 59mm, and most of that is the wings. So it can be scaled up but not down. I wanted to make it look like it was hunting, and I also wanted it to be able to stand on its own, so that is the reasoning behind the pose. It needs supports in printing. I used the generated supports and a 6mm brim in the Prusa 3D Slic3r. That worked great. It printed really well. I was careful removing the supports from the wings, which I recommend, but honestly, they're a little fragile but not as fragile as they look. So I did not have any trouble. This object was made in Tinkercad. Oh, and I was thinking this might be pretty neat as a pendant or hanging decoration/ornament. That would be really easy to do in Tinkercad. So please feel free to copy it and mess around with it if you want. By the way, I think owls are really neat and weird. It was an interesting design challenge, figuring out what owls actually look like versus what I imagine in my head when I think of an owl. I've added a slightly larger, slightly cleaner version as well, in case you are having trouble with the original file.



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