pen box art nouveau

5 (likes)
1857 (views)
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This is a pen box, on which cover I designed an ornament in art nouveau style. It is only inspired by art nouveau, not copied, it is an original design. There are three 3d printed parts: the cover, the insert and the box. I printed the cover upside down without support (hollow side upwards). For the insert I used a raft feature. I used another colour for the insert. The box is simple, without any ornaments. To fit the insert in the cover grooves it is necessary to clean and adjust the insert parts and the cover grooves (I used a small knife and fine sand paper where possible). Then I glued the insert parts to the cover. The box you may see in the attached images is printed on an Anycubic I3 Mega with 0.3 mm layer height. This model was created in Fusion 360. P.S. I made this box for my pens and pencils, but I noticed that my eyeglasses fits perfectly in it, so you may use it for this purpose also.

About the author:
I am passionate of 3d printing and modelling using CAD.


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