Fighting the hands of time

4 (likes)
1810 (views)
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Demo-video Some backstory and how I made it.   Made as a little joke for the traditional Dutch Saint-Nicolas celebration (the one Coca Cola stole the Santa Claus thing from). Saw a similar demonstration by some software devs at Disney and I figured "How hard could it be", well the joke was on me. Figured I might as well publish this thing, otherwise all the effort that went into making this will feel kinda wasted. I wanted a more clean design than the boxy elaborate frames, so I made it all around a single central frame. I used 2 different sized rivets for my bearings and axles, but I'd recommend looking for a different solution to get tighter tolerances. Since the thing is mostly symmetrical the way to get the "right"-side of the model should be fairly straightforward. Hint: have the nicest printsurface face the viewer, in my case that was what I printed on the mirror. Merry christmas and a happy 2020!



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