Christmas Scripture Tree

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1501 (views)
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This is a beautiful and festive Christmas tree is decorated with beautifully designed Christ themed ornaments with scripture references on each one. Every year our family takes turns placing an ornament and reading the scripture referenced. This Christmas tradition from our family can now be a part of your home as well. The whole print is scaled so that it can fit in the print area of a mini 3D printer (120mm^3) and requires no supports when printing so that everyone can enjoy this new holiday traiditon. Included in this set are the following ornaments: Baby Jesus – Isaiah 9:6Oxen Yoke – Matthew 11:2930 coins - Zechariah 11:13Band-Aid – Isaiah 53:5Heart – John 3:16Bread – John 6:51Fish – Matthew 4:19Cup – Mark 14:23-34Cloud – Luke 21:27Solomon's Temple – John 2:19Lightbulb – John 9:5Door – John 10:9Crown – Revelations 19:16Horse – Zechariah 9:9Lamb – John 1:19Clock - Mark 13:32 For Church of Jesus Christ of LDS makers there's an additional layer to the tree adding 7 more places to hang ornaments, as well as ornaments to fill in the space with references from the LDS cannon of scripture: Cross – 1 Nephi 11:33Nail – 3 Nephi 11:14Key – D&C 90:3Earth – 3 Nephi 9:15Stone – D&C 50:44Tablets – 3 Nephi 15:5Ring - Moses 4:35No supports necessary when printing.  

About the author:
Winner of the TinkerCad/Makerbot chess challenge, author of 3D Printing Blueprints, and all around cool guy. If you like my work I hope you'll consider supporting me on Pateron: Subscribe to me on YouTube for cool projects and tutorials:


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