Four Elements Coaster

36 (likes)
5459 (views)
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A cup coaster that embodies the four elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water. After receiving a sample order of some thermochromic filament (changes colour with applied heat), I decided to make a coaster with swirl designs that would show the flow of heat from the cup. I should have designed it a bit bigger so I could actually watch the flow of heat, but instead I'll either have to use a smaller cup or just contend myself with lifting the cup to see what it's doing. Measuring 9cm x 9cm x 1cm in size, this will fit most average mugs and is designed to not require any support structure.  

About the author:
Hi, welcome to my profile. I like to design a wide range of objects, from the mechanical/functional to artistic. I've been building up my 3D design experience using Blender, which provides a wide range of design options, since about September 2013.


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