ZYYX Fan Duct

5 (likes)
4228 (views)
This product is available only if you have an account in My Mini Factory service

I needed a more efficient filament cooling solution when printing PLA in my ZYYX 3D printer and so i decided to switch to a centrifugal fan.Designing the duct was not an easy task, very limited space all the way down thru the extruder carriage and further down to the hotend/nozzle thus the slightly awkward and not the most efficient design. If the duct comes to close to the build plate use an exacto knife to carefully shorten it at the bottom.The duct should lock into place securely as should the fan when mounted.It´s important to note that even though the MB has a 24V output ZYYX uses a 12V fan. So if your going to use a 12V version of the new fan your all good but if your going witht the 24V version you need to remove the resistors (see picture) to get the most out of you new fan! Links to both the 12V and 24V version fans can be found below. Centrifugal Fan, 24V: http://www.ebmpapst.com/en/products/compact-fans/radial-compact-fans/radialcompactfansdetail.php?pID=54119Centrifugal Fan, 12V: http://www.ebmpapst.com/en/products/compact-fans/radial-compact-fans/radialcompactfansdetail.php?pID=54117 Released under license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/

About the author:
Father of #3DBenchy and author of The OpenR/C Project and The OpenRailway Project. Sometimes i make videos 3D printing reel: https://youtu.be/ZDpVk8yFvk8


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