Venetian gondola - E3D V6 chiller for 3DRag K8200

2 (likes)
3706 (views)
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Was not much satisfied both from the E3D V6 interface to 3Drag and the cooling setup for the metal Hotend . . . Hence this new design. It uses 2 x 40 mm fans to both for a great airflow and redundancy (2 is better than one!). The inlet fan has an aerodynamic insert to avoid turbolence and preserve dynamic pressure. Both the Fans are oriented to avoid creating cold draughts on the printed piece and it is possible to duct them for encased installation. The interface to the 3Drag had been based on the work of Owl1981 "e3d v6 to 3Drag/K8200 adaptor" which had been made more robust and modified to be interfaced with the chilling tunnel! To free from any weight the Extruder you should print also the Base Plate which had been based on the work by Boris Landoni " Print flex filaments with 3Drag/K8200" with minor changes (most important one is having the nuts merged into the base also for the extruder to avoid the connection getting loose). This way you'll be able to start printing with flexible filaments right away! The fans must always be on until the hotend has been completely cooled down to avoid deformations. Enjoy!



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