Smoke Detector Mounting Plates

8 (likes)
3247 (views)
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A couple mounting plates to attach an Atom smoke alarm to aluminum extrusion or a NEMA17 motor. These tiny smoke detectors* are small (40mm diameter) and light enough (43g) to mount on a printer or extruder. I had some concerns that the plastic fumes would trigger the alarm, but that hasn't been a problem so far. I haven't tried burning plastic to see how sensitive it is. Update: The alarm did trigger once when printing transparent ABS. I doesn't seem to trigger consistently, but I'll probably move the alarm further from the extruder if it happens again. Parts List: 1 - FIrst Alert Atom Smoke Detector* 2 - M5x8 Socket Cap Screw Filaments: (full list can be found on -- Honeycomb Drone White ABS *affiliate links Print Settings Printer: Eustathios Rafts: Doesn't Matter Supports: Doesn't Matter

About the author:
3D printing addict. Printing with an Eustathios and Rigidbot 3D printers.


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