Prusa MK3 Y-Axis Motor Mount (juiced)

6 (likes)
4446 (views)
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Okay so the Prusa MK3 in my opinion was a complete disaster on many levels. I won't complain about those at this time. To me this was a major weak link just adding to the issues. So I made a much stiffer y-axis motor mount. It's rock solid and fixed some of the mis-alignment issues of the factory motor mount. You can use the same mounting holes but I suggest to go ahead and drill a third hole for this mount but its not a complete necessity. There is a great write up by RHDreambox on the Prusa forum. I give him the credit where it is due - check it out for even more fixes he did good work on all 3 Axis's. He was a main contributor to this file and thought process. Fine Print:You might need to use a 12 mm M3 now instead of the 10 mm M3, this mount is a bit thicker so you need a tad bit longer screw. The rest is gravy. I printed with Slic3r PE, 50% infill, with Carbon Fiber PETG @ .2mm layer with 3-4 walls.

About the author:
I just am a hobbyist- I enjoy making things and designing mechanical movement pieces. Not as skilled as I would like with CAD but I have learned a bit over the last few years. I enjoy 3D printing and design because it allows me to continue to build things with my hands and mind.


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