Makibox Flex Upgrade

2 (likes)
1913 (views)
This product is available only if you have an account in My Mini Factory service

I designed and printed an upgrade for the Makibox to allow it to print flexible material. It worked out better than I expected, and helped to increase my printers' over all reliability. This uses the existing screws that come with the Makibox. The only things you would need are a spring, a skateboard bearing, and a better bowden adapter (pressure hose adapter). I tried to make it as easy to print as possible as well. Everything that has _thin in the name allows space for the plate to keep the arm from deflecting away form the filament path. The original version works without it, it just bothered me that PLA wasn't stiff enough to resist that deflection. If you use a stronger material, you may be able to get away with not printing the plate. I made both versions available in case others want to have easier access to the extruder for cleaning. I added a mount to allow the extruder to sit in the Makibox top frame piece where the bowden tube used to go through. Be careful when adding this to the laser cut acrylic, as mine cracked from the stress. The first picture is the version I am currently using. The second picture shows The first attempt at making the extruder which I had to keep in place with zip ties and allowed the arm to deflect. The third picture is a piece I printed in TPU, and the fourth picture shows that it does indeed flex. Let me know if you have any suggestions so that I can improve this design for everyone.



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