Hygrometer Thermometer Mount Adapter For Printers

4 (likes)
997 (views)
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Hygrometer (which includes a Thermometer usually) or Thermometer (50mm diagonally) mount adapter.   Why do I need this? High humidity is bad for some filaments during print. Low ambient temperature is bad for layer adhesion for almost all filaments. Won't matter too much for PLA but it will be critical for sensitive stuff like ABS/ASA, Nylon, PC. Even PETG enjoys greater layer adhesion with higher ambient temperature. Ideally you should preheat your printer, i.e. let it run idle with bed heated to 80-100C depending on whatever you are printing, let it raise the ambient heat in enclosure over 30C if you don't want to experience shrink and warp or cracks in your print.     Sharing the sample product I'm using below. This is only the adapter to mount. Seller is not an affiliate, just an example. I'm not selling any products or promoting. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/33037396704.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27424c4dECWjd8   Improved version is here https://www.myminifactory.com/object/3d-print-hygrometer-thermometer-mount-adapter-for-printers-156027

About the author:
Important update: I release and update models frequently. Sometimes new versions don't appear in the zip bundled by MMF as all objects require review and approval. If you look at "Object Parts" piece, you will see and be able to download parts which aren't included in ZIP yet. I only release my models after successfully printing them. If I'm not happy with the model or its basic function, I won't release it. Sometimes I put slicing screenshots with tips, keep an eye on description and comment on the model if anything is not clear :) Click on "website" to follow me on Instagram for latest free models and videos of the models. MMF doesn't support upload of videos.


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