Cassini Core XY 3D Printer

5 (likes)
2924 (views)
This product is available only if you have an account in My Mini Factory service

This is my contribution to the 3D printing community.There is a detailed BOM in the PDF file. The printer uses general 2020 aluminum extrusions.This printer USES M3 SCREWS and M3 INSERTS. Please consider this when building the printer. Most components were bought from Banggood.Feel free to send me a message if there are any doubts about the build.Building this printer is your responsibility, the assembly must be done with caution and all safety practices. Enjoy and happy printing!

About the author:
El ing santo
I am a civil engineer that has a 3D printing and design business. I do different and exotic designs of people including doctors, engineers, architects I use a variety of programs to get the best quality for design and 3D printing and run a FEA to optimize designs. I now want to show people about the great things 3D printing and design can bring to you, s I started a Youtube Channel to attract more people to learn about this amazing exponential technology.


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