Bodeneinsatz Mobicool MCF40

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Bodeneonsätze für Mobicool MCF40 - damit steht nichts mehr direkt im Kondenswasser. Man benötigt 6 Stück, die jeweils 14,5 X 11,75cm groß sind. Damit bleibt in der Box eine Toleranz von ca. 5mm und das passt bestens.

About the author:
Besides being a professional software engineer and software development project leader I am doing a lot of practical 3D design - as well art and decoration iteams as practical replacement or enhancement items you can't get commercially. Acutally I am still doing most of my designs on 123D Design - which for some reason is not listed here - and some using OpenSCAD. I am about to move to Fusion 360 though. As slicer, I am still stuck with CURA 15.04. My main printer is a Prusa I3 inspired printer, that has been produced by a local fablab based company called "Laydrop I3 Berlin" - unfortunately it's discontinued now, but after some severe mods it still works rather reliably. For small items, that don't require active part cooling or a heated bed, but have to be printed in 0.1mm resolution I love to use the Turnigy Fabrikator, which unfortunately is also discontinued. Currently I am designing and constructing a delta printer, thats significantly inspired by some of the above mentioned I3's technical concepts, the Kossel Mini as base design and some of the technical concepts of the new Prusa I3. Soon I'll add a link to the construction blog for this delta.


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