8mm Frame Filament Spool Holder

36 (likes)
4802 (views)
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This filament holder mounts on the top of an 8mm 3D printer frame. It uses an 8mm threaded rod to hold the spool. In the slicer, I rotated the model 90 degrees about the y-axis for the right arm (which is the model given). For the left arm, I mirrored the STL in my slicer and rotated it 290 degrees about the y-axis so that I could use less support material and print it faster. I also used the Universal Filament Spool Holder to hold my spool on the 8mm threaded rod found here :http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:767317 NOTE: The angles given are not required for the print to succeed. They are just the angles that I printed so that I could test which angles would work.



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