80x40 Magnet Holder

3 (likes)
2695 (views)
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I made to so I can put 12mm x 3mm magnets on the Black Widow to hold tools 1 - 10mm thick will hold 3 magnets uses 16mm screws and T nuts2 - 10mm thick will hold 6 magnets uses 16mm screws and T nuts3 - 5mm thick will hold 3 magnets uses 12mm screws and T nuts

About the author:
I love to build and learn, I started with a XYZ jr. and moved to a clone kit i3, now I built a TEVO Black Window with dual extrusion. If I see something I need or think I can improve it, I will design and print it. Everything I design is free to use or change. NOT TO SALE keep it free and lets improve the world.


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