Peg Loom Beater

13 (likes)
2828 (views)
This product is available only if you have an account in My Mini Factory service

This comb is used to compact rows of weaving when peg looming. 

About the author:
I created my first stereolithograpy (.stl) file in 2013. I watched a series of Tinkercad tutorials and made a red drain filter for my bathtub. I learned about all this at the Chicago Public Library. Motorola was sponsoring a maker lab at the library which contained a few 3D printers and other maker machines. Over a year’s time, I made drain filters, a blender cup replacement, and drawer pull files that I paid to have printed at the library. Later, my files were printed by 3D Hubs and Shapeways. I bought a RepRap Prusa i3 in November of 2016.  


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