Flux Chamber Drip Tip

8 (likes)
4080 (views)
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A tiny expansion chamber for vaporizers that has 2 chambers connected by 3 'macoroni' tubes that gives a drip free vape hit. Designed to work without the need for a rubber ring, just rip a piece of paper or T.P. and fold it and wet it and set it on top of the hole where the drip tip goes and press the Flux Chamber into the vape for a perfect fit. The 3 tubes arent aligned perfectly so i hope it doesnt bother anyone's OCD too badly lol. I didnt use supports on mine and they came out fine, just a little droop at the bottom of the tubes but i think that was cuz my printer nozzle.Print @ 100% infill and .2mm layer height, Brim might be needed if ur bed adhesion is weaksauce 

About the author:
Polyglot that likes building and making stuff, even more now that 3d printing's a thing.


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