Twisted Hex Vase

12 (likes)
2528 (views)
This product is available only if you have an account in My Mini Factory service

Check out my YouTube channel for how to videos about 3d modeling, printing and home automation A quick loft from a hexagon base to an open hexagon top, twisted clockwise two turns. Expanded base to provide stability, and make it look more like a real vase, while maintaining that cool twisted look. (Watch How-To video for Fusion360 here: Can also be used as a toothbrush/pen holder :) Dimensions are 60 x 60 mm @ the base, 100 mm tall. Check out my (mostly functional) 3D designs - ( ! If you like them and want to support my projects, use one of the links below when you're planning to buy anything from these sites (it won't cost you anything extra!). Thank you in advance! Banggood:

About the author:
I have been playing with 3d modelling tools for a while. I sourced and built a Prusa i3 printer in 2013 (while it was still a fresh/unfinished design), and every now and then, I create new models. I have started a YouTube channel: where I post how-to and overview videos for my designs and my hobbies.


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